Pattern: Twinkle's Tea Rose Halter
Materials: Brown Sheep's Cotton Fleece in New Age Teal
Source: Interweave Knits Spring 2007
Started and Completed: July 2007
Materials: Brown Sheep's Cotton Fleece in New Age Teal
Source: Interweave Knits Spring 2007
Started and Completed: July 2007
I love wearing this halter. It was an easy knit; the body took an afternoon of knitting and I procrastinated with the straps. Will definitely make another one in a different colour. I think Cotton Fleece was a good choice for this top.
Pattern: Michael Kors' Boxy Cardigan
Materials: Lionbrands's Cotton Ease in Stone
Source: Vogue Knitting Spring/Summer 2007
Started and Completed: June to July 2007
Materials: Lionbrands's Cotton Ease in Stone
Source: Vogue Knitting Spring/Summer 2007
Started and Completed: June to July 2007
This was the my first real sweater project (first venture into seaming). I wear this *a lot* when the weather's warmer. This is a great sweater although the pattern was a bit troublesome on the sleeve part. After a week or so of trying to figure it out, calculations did the trick. Thank you mathematics for not failing me! I ended up decreasing every other row on the front shaping. I want to make this in a light drapey material if I get the chance to. Sooooo many projects I want to get done and dusted.
Pattern: Ballet T-shirt
Materials: Brown Sheep's Cotton Ease in Candy Apple (2 skeins)
Source: Loop d Loop
Started and Completed: July 2007
Materials: Brown Sheep's Cotton Ease in Candy Apple (2 skeins)
Source: Loop d Loop
Started and Completed: July 2007
This pattern was completely straight forward and I completed this in an evening. I was determined! I made the shirt a little longer since the style these days seems to be more towards the tunics rather than those shirts that showed of the midriffs (those baby tees... that's what they're called) back about 10 years ago. I love the different colours that Cotton Ease has to offer. It was my yarn of choice this past summer.
More to come, stay tuned.
More to come, stay tuned.
Can you send me the sleeve corrections you did? I have been working on the sleeve for the boxy cardigan and cannot figure it out for the life of me. Ia m usually good at figuring this stuff out!!!
Can you please also send the corrections for the sleeve to me? It makes no sense that I'm not decreasing on both sides (front and back) of the sleeve...?! Thanks, I am rotten at math :)
Hi! I made that sweater last year while working on a cruise ship- I gave it to my Mom and now my Gram wants one- except somewhere in travel, I have lost the pattern!!! Could you send me the pattern?? She will be so happy!
Thanks, Kelly
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